I also finished my book for the Read 'N' Seed, which was Plenty - Eating Locally on the 100 Mile Diet. I learned some amazing benefits from choosing to eat locally and how this impacts the environment. Basically, only good comes from participating in something like this. Granted, it may be difficult at first, it is worth it in the end. Through Eye Openers, I learned about my Eating Green Calculator and how this is impacting my environment. I also learned about how harmful cosmetic products are. I have no idea that there were so many chemicals and negative consequences to using make up products. I have always assumed that since it is approved to be sold, it must also be safe. Well, that is completely wrong; at least that is what I have been learning. Most recently, we have begun to learn about "junking." Or basically reusing items to create new things, or finding things that other people do not want and making them your own. It has really opened a whole new creative side of me and I think it is something that I will really enjoy.
Overall, I would say that I have mainly just learned how big of an impact I really have on this planet. Whether I am trying to or not, I am affecting everything around me for better or for worse. Some things I can do to try and improve my effects include cutting out certain food groups. It is becoming more and more relevant for me to become a vegetarian and I am seriously considering it. I need to be recycling everything I can. I should reuse items that perhaps I may have seen as waste, or even other people's waste and turn it into a creative project. I should also reconsider cosmetic and hair care products. And lastly, I will not be buying bottled water any more. These are just some of the things that I have learned about over the last four weeks that I will start to incorporating into my life.

The films that we have watched have really opened my eyes and made me realize how much harm we are doing to our environment. Reading others "Read N Seeds" posts and our other assignments have tought me a lot about how to become more eco-friendly.
ReplyDeleteI agree that we have learned a lot of information over these past few weeks in a variety of ways. The films have been very informational and have really made me look at things in a different way. I would have to agree with you that all of us to make an impact and an individual difference on the environment so it is really important that we always try and do our part.
ReplyDeleteI agree we have all learned a lot from class. I defiantly leave class with more knowledge about the earth than when I came to class. I really like our discussions, because it is interesting to see how everyone else interpreted the videos.
ReplyDeleteI like your list of things to consider in your last paragraph. I've had a lot of the same feelings. Are they reasonable? Are they attainable? And how long would I last trying to do them all. Little baby steps is what I concluded. Its like that one commercial (i forget the brand) but it shows two sides of her, one making an ok choice (choosing pizza for lunch) and the other making a better choice (choosing a salad for lunch).