Week 5 Overview
1. I will drink 40 ounces of water out of my reusable stainless steel water bottle 7 days a week.2. I was finally successful with my goal. Even though I traveled out of town for a conference, I brought my reusable bottle with me. This strategy allowed me to maintain my goal of drinking water while using a reusable bottle because I provided it myself. Going out of town for three days was my greatest challenge, but I was prepared to overcome that.
3. Excitement, confidence, happy. These are just a few of the feelings I experienced this week. I am proud that I finally accomplished my goal because I have been striving for it this whole time. I really believe that I can continue this lifestyle change.
4. I learned that with hard work and preparation you can accomplish your goals. And now they don't even seem hard. If you work at something long enough, it just becomes part of your daily routine.
1. My initial SMART goal was to drink 8 oz of water out of my reusuable stainless steel water bottle 6 days a week. Throughout the process, I modified it to be more challenging. Which led it to become: I will drink 40 ounces of water out of my reusable stainless steel water bottle 7 days a week. In the beginning, the goal was far too easy. It was not my intention to make it that easy, but challenging myself was definitely a good thing.
2. Be prepared was probably the biggest thing that led to my success. Always having my bottle with me and knowing where I could fill it up at, or the times that I could really helped. Making my water bottle easily accessible was a huge advantage. Traveling, meetings, and events got in the way of my goal and led to me not always being successful. But as I have mentioned, if I am prepared and remember to take my bottle with me to these locations, then I should be able to address these issues in the future with a positive view.
3. I benefitted from this project in multiple ways. First, my health. I was not drinking nearly as much water a day, this definitely is a good thing to be putting more fluids into my body. My change also benefitted the environment by not using or purchasing plastic water bottles. This in turn benefits me because I live in this environment. It was also a good learning experience for me. Challenging myself with a goal and being successful is always a great thing to accomplish. I learned that changing lifestyle habits can be difficult at first but eventually you catch on and it becomes the "norm" in your life. I also learned that I am able to challenge myself maybe a little more than I would originally intended. Difficult tasks can be fun to work on. Behavior change is possible, especially with support from others.
4. The environment benefitted because I used to purchase a case of water every month and now I have not for awhile, plus I am not drinking out of these bottles creating waste. Others can benefit by seeing the challenges and successes I had and build off of them. They can be successful sooner than I was just by learning what worked and what didn't work.
5. I will definitely continue this behavior because it really will not be that hard to maintain at this point. I just have to keep bringing my reusable bottle with me and it will just be a part of my life. By chance, I could try to increase the water intake, but for now I will just contine with the same goal.
6. If others make a lifestyle change similar to mine I would say for sure have a few reusable water bottles and carry them with you everything. Even if you don't think you'll need it, keep one in your car or purse. Try to eliminate going through areas that will tempt you to purchase bottled water. If you are not around bottled water you won't think twice about buying one. And lastly, just be confident. You can be successful in making lifestyle changes. Sometimes they just take work, create a partner support group so someone can hold you accountable. Anything is possible, the sky is the limit so Good Luck :) !!
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain