I took the EarthDay FootPrint Quiz It was really shocking to me to see the effect of my lifestyle on the environment. I was surprised to see some of the questions on the quiz, because I never expected them to have an effect on others or the earth. For example, asking specific questions about which types of meat I eat was an interesting question. I am sad to say that my ecological footprint results say that if everyone lived like me it would require 4.5 earths to have enough resources. After seeing the numbers, I really want to live more earth-friendly. One thing that impacted my score was my flying time. Reduce how much I fly was a way I could improve my score, but due to family situations I have to fly every year to go visit them. Therefore, I must adjust other parts of my life to make up for transportation costs. Some other suggestions they made were to ride public transportation one day a week, or purchase items with less packaging. I am currently reading The 100 Mile Diet, so now especially after taking this quiz, I would like to try to consume more foods that are produced locally. I also took the Travel Calculator Quiz, which also said that I create a lot of pollution from transportation. The last quiz I took was the Carbon Footprint Calculator, which is actually based on the UK. This one came up that I was average for my CO2 use.
Overall, I found this to be a very interesting experience. I learned a lot about how my life is effecting planet earth. I need to make a lot of changes in my life so I am more environmental friendly. This was definitely an eye opening experience for me. I hope that from our posts more people will take these quizzes and realize how much they are affecting the planet we live on.

Kristy- what a great idea for an "eye opener!" The quizzes literally make you open your eyes to how you affect the world and its resources. I hadn't really understood the concept of an ecological footprint before reading your post either. I have heard the term, but never really looked into it. It was kind of fun taking the quizzes, I wonder how accurate they really are?! Unfortunately I eat a lot of meat, so I got a higher score in that category haha, but I try to carpool and save gas whenever possible. As you get further into your book, i'd be interested to hear what you've learned!!
ReplyDeleteKristy, This is great! I tried the quiz out and if everyone lived like me, it would required 3.2 earth's to produce enough resources for all. Everyone does have an impact on earth and this really tells it all. Usually my family (in the city) do buy local foods but since I've been here in Duluth for school I don't know much places where I can purchase local foods. If you find of any local stores please let me know also.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, huh? I found it interesting that they broke down the three categories of meat and asked if you had lean meat, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe quizzes were very eye opening. I would have never guessed that how I am living was so bad for the earth. Even down to what type of meat I eat and how often. It really effected me, since then I too have been trying to reduce my impact on the earth. I wish that everyone in the US knew about these quizzes. I feel like that would open a lot of eyes.
ReplyDeleteSure opened my eyes. Like I said before, after taking this test we are all willing to put in the effort of making better choices.