I took the Eating Green Calculator. I chose to do this one because I am most concerned about what it is I am actually eating.
I generally consider myself to be a person that eats few meat and dairy products. I typically only eat chicken, and don't drink a lot of milk. But I do consume a good portion of eggs, cheese, and yogurt. I was shocked to see what kind of impact I was having from my servings of meats and dairy. I was absolutely disgusted to see how many pounds of manure was created by the animals I eat. I was also not fond of the amount of pesticide needed for the feed for the animals, because I ingest those as well. I definitely took the pledge. One thing I always try to do is incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet. This pledge should help me do that. It also says that when you do eat animal products, choose those that are less in fat. I think that will be an easy fix to do. I am excited about eating more fruits and veggies because it will be beneficial to my diet and the environment. Overall, I think experiences like this are good ones to have. It makes me more aware of how things I have been doing for all my life affect the environment. I never would have thought what I eat actually matters to the environment. I am learning so many new things I can do in my life to help the environment and that makes me really excited.
Just for fun, I checked out the Tour of Food Supply. The statistics offered on this site were shocking. It makes me not want to eat meat at all. I feel like we are so wasteful with so many products. And I do not support abuse to animals which sometimes we forget what goes on because we only see the packaged items or the finished product. I am glad I checked out this site too because it provided a lot of useful information.

Kristy, I was surprised by the same things you were. I was really surprised because I do not think I eat a lot of meat either, I just eat mainly chicken too. I was surprised that I was still making that much of an impact.
ReplyDeleteIt is surprising. Do some more research on this, this quiz is only touching the surface of the problem. If you have seen the movie Food, Inc. you would remember them going through the animal farms with cameras and how sad it was. The way they handle the animals is really heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteI think that its great that you decided to take the pledge. I think that it's good to know what your effects are and to try to decrease the damage your contributing to. I think that's what I got out of the quizzes.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mind taking the pledge for everything either. I pretty much lowered my amount of servings for each category, but didn't completely say I wasn't going to EVER eat such items. I think I should try and buy organic dairy items and free-range eggs. As for the meat, I plan on cutting down a bit more.
ReplyDeleteI just keep thinking/feeling that we're eating nasty poo! Love the pledge idea, now you personally can stay away from all the poo food!