Thursday, December 16, 2010

Share and Voice: Effects of Smoking

First I want to say Great Job!!! You guys as a group did awesome.  All answers were anonymous so I do not know who answered what, but overall you did very well.  I really appreciate that you guys really took the time to look over the fact sheets and learn some valuable information on the effects of smoking.  As promised, here are the answers to the questions I asked....

1. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in males and females in the United States.  TRUE
2. Secondhand smoke can account for approximately how many deaths in the United States: 50,000
3. Females tend to have a significantly higher smoking rate than males.   FALSE
4. What percent of smokers want to quit? 70%
5. Smoking cessation can provide which of the following health benefits? Check all that apply.  LOWERS RISK OF CANCER, REDUCES RISK FOR HEART DISEASE, REDUCES RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS, REDUCES COPD
6. Smoking causes coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.  TRUE
7. Children of smokers are almost three times as likely to smoke as children of nonsmokers.  FALSE, they are twice as likely
8. Tobacco is the #1 preventable disease in the United States.    TRUE
9. Approximately how many people in the United States die each day due to smoking or smoking related diseases?   1200
10. Annually, smoking costs Minnesotans how much in health care costs? 3 Billion

Any questions, let me know :)


  1. I'm really glad that you posted these answers, I wish I could have remembered all of the answers I choose on the surveys. I think it is amazing that 70% of smokers are want to quit and that smoking costs $3 billion in health care costs! Those are startling statistics!

  2. Thank you for posting the answers. I was curious as to what ones I got right and wrong. Thanks for posting! I think I did pretty well:)

  3. Thanks for posting these answers, I was wondering how I performed on the quiz. I really enjoyed your lesson.

  4. Wow, 70% of smokers want to quit? That's a lot. I also am disgusted that secondhand smoke causes 50,000 deaths per year. All I can think about is the poor kids that have to put up with their inconsiderate parents that smoke around them on a daily basis. Thanks for posting the answers!

  5. I cannot believe that smoking kills 1200 individuals EACH DAY!! That's so crazy! Thanks for sharing the answers now I can inform other people about smoking in the U.S. and in Minnesota!
